Having a satisfying life and doing meaningful work isn’t just a nice-to-have accessory - like the newest iPhone or Lululemon yoga pants. It’s THE defining factor between living a life you LOVE or just getting through each day feeling uninspired, like you are just ‘going through the motions’.

You’ve been ‘ticking all the right boxes’ in life but you can’t escape the nagging feeling that something important is missing. You long for something that ignites your energy and inspires you instead of leaving you wanting more.  

Perhaps you’re ready to make a career change or launch your own business or perhaps you’re having trouble zoning in on exactly what “it” is. You just know you want to feel like you are living up to your fullest potential and that your contributions really mean something to the world and to you.

You are looking for something that feels more you, something that allows who you really are to shine through. Trouble is…you’re not quite sure where to start. Fears and doubts are clouding your thinking, so instead of making things happen you’re stuck in planning mode and can’t figure out how to take action. Change is hard and you want to be sure you are clear on what you want before taking a leap.

Just imagine....

Like the skies parting on a cloudy day you finally feel clear about what’s been missing, what really matters to you, what lights you up and really means something to you.

You understand how all of the elements of your life factor into you feeling fulfilled and inspired and what you can do to line things up in a way that feels more you.

You have peace of mind that you're aware of all the angles and feel ready to move forward and create a fantastic life.

Your frustrations have eased, just knowing you have a plan, you feel more engaged, inspired and motivated to contribute to your life and work in a meaningful way.

But maybe right now you’re still feeling like...

  • Something important is missing and you just aren’t satisfied...You know there has to be more

  • You’re tired of feeling like you are going through the motions at work and you aren’t living up to your potential

  • Your hopes and dreams are muddled in with your fears and doubts and you aren’t clear on exactly what you want or what is possible

  • You’re unsure of your next step and are anxious for this era of ambiguity to be over. You feel worried that if you don’t make a move life will pass you by and this will be all there is.

Sound familiar? I can help you

Hi, my name is Jessica Smith. I’m a Professional Leadership Coach and I’ll help you paint a crystal clear picture of what makes you feel purposeful, passionate and fulfilled.

I’ll help you put your finger on what’s been missing and what you can do to line things up in a way that feels more authentic to you.

I’ll help you detangle your fears and doubts from your hopes and dreams so you can get out of the cycle of planning and pondering, and take your first steps toward creating a more meaningful, harmonious life.

As a result of the “Discover What Really Makes You Shine” coaching program you will….

  • Understand how all of the elements of your life factor into you feeling fulfilled and inspired and where you need to focus to bring things back to feeling more aligned with who you are

  • Be clear on your passions, priorities and values so you know without a doubt exactly what it is that you want

  • Begin painting a vision for your meaningful and harmonious life so you have a firm understanding of your goals and priorities

  • Feel confident about what you want so it's easier to make decisions and take action

‘Discover What Really Makes You Shine’ is a condensed coaching program designed to kickstart your understanding of what feels meaningful and purposeful to you so you can take steps to create a life that allows you to shine. It’s filled with personalized insights, and thought provoking questions and exercises so you’ll go from cloudy to crystal clear in a matter of weeks.

Here’s what’s included:

Personalized “Discover What Makes you Shine” - Self Discovery Workbook
Once you’ve scheduled your coaching session you’ll receive a personalized “Discover What Makes You Shine” Self Discovery Workbook  filled with thought provoking questions and exercises to help you explore and identify your goals and your personal values. You’ll also review how each element of your life factors into your feeling of satisfaction.

Getting to know what matters most by identifying your personal values and where you’re focusing your time and energy is the first step to designing a meaningful life!

Clarify your Vision - Coaching Session (90 minutes)
During this 90 minute coaching session we will explore your goals, your personal values and how each part of your life impacts your level of fulfillment. You’ll get a firm grasp on what’s been missing and what really matters to you so you can begin to paint the picture of the life you want.

Personalized Homework Assignment
During your "Clarify your Vision" coaching session we will co-create a personalized homework assignment that will help you solidify your learnings and get you ready to start taking action.

Get into Action - Coaching Session (45 minutes)
Two weeks after your Discovery session we will meet for a 45 minute follow up coaching session to review the vision you have created and develop a plan to get into action.

You’ll feel clearer, have confidence in your choices and ready to take your first steps.  I’ll help you sift through the noise and focus on what is most important to you so you can move ahead with clarity, inspired to create a life that will feel fantastic!

Ready to get started?

Have questions?

Send me an email me at jess@jessicasmithcoaching.com and I will get back to you shortly.

“I highly recommend working with Jessica. She is a class act and helped me to become a better version of myself. I am going forward with more hope and clarity about who I am and want to be. I am ever so thankful to Jess for her guidance and support.”

- Liz Woodhouse, AVP Human Resources and Talent at Walden Behavioral Care